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I have my BSN and I had to take two chemistry classes.

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Q: Do you need a chemistry class to go for a regisitered nurse?
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Do you need chemistry to be a veterinary nurse?

Yes you do need chemistry. As well as biology and maths.

What subjects do you need at school to be a nurse in South Africa?

You need biology,chemistry and history to become a nurse in south africa

Need Organic Chemistry to become a Nurse Practitioner?

Nurse practitioners do not take organic chemistry. Do they need it? With the ability to prescribe medications, organic chemistry is essential in adequately understanding pharmacology and pathophysiology. Nursing students do not take organic chemistry in undergraduate coursework. Nursing students often take 2 semesters of introductory general (inorganic) chemistry. Organic chemistry has a pre-requisite of two semesters of inorganic chemistry.

What sciences do you need to be a veterinary nurse?

You will need to learn anatomy, physiology, chemistry, microbiology and some physics.

What class do you need to take in high school to beacome a nurs?

A nurse? You take the required courses for your high school, so it does not really affect your career as a nurse. Now the courses that you take in college during your undergrad will affect your chances of getting acceted into nursing school and later becoming a nurse. You'll need to take Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Education.

What should you study in high school if you want to become a nurse?

You will need chemistry, straight biology and physics.

What A levels do you need to become a nurse?

It depends on what type of nurse, district nurse, nursery nurse. But i would recommend psychology, biology and maybe chemistry. I am going either, Eccles college, manchester, pendleton or trafford college.

Need a topic for 12th class chemistry report?

chromatography or nitrogen containing compounds.....

What are all the math classes you need to be a nurse?

Most colleges require 1 class each of Chemistry and Algebra. My nursing school also included Nursing Math in their program that teaches medication doses and figuring IV drip rates. Hope this helps

Do you need to study chemistry to become a nurse?

Yes, nursing students typically take introductory courses in chemistry as part of their academic curriculum. Understanding basic chemistry principles is important in nursing practice to grasp topics such as pharmacology, anatomy, and physiology.

Can I receive LPN training online?

I do not believe so. Training to be a nurse really isn't an option online. You need to attend a university and take biological chemistry and other medical classes. Trust me, biological chemistry is hard.

What are some items that would be need for a chemistry class?

A student would need to bring writing equipment and paper in order to study chemistry. The educational body would need to provide chemicals, measuring glasses, pipettes and other chemical equipment for the lesson.