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No, Not necessarily, There are many insurance companies that will issue auto insurance coverage to you without a drivers license.

It just depends on the underwriting requirements of the insurance company. Most of the larger national companies will require a drivers license first but many local and regional insurers will have no problem with it.

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Q: Do you need a drivers license to get car insurance?
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Have Drivers license but no car do you need car insurance?

no not if you have no car

Do you need insurance if you have a drivers license but do not drive or own a car?

No, the insurance is on the car, not the person.

Do you have to have auto insurance if you have a drivers license but no car?

If you have your G2 or higher you need insurance to drive.

Do you need a drivers license to get car insurance in California?

I think you need to get a driver's license in any state to get car insurance period. An insurance company will not supply you with insurance if they don't have proof that you are licensed to do so. My suggestion to you...get a license!

Can you get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended?

You can't get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended.

Is insurance required to obtain a California Drivers license if applicant does not own a car?

You will need insurance to take your drivers test.

Do you need U.S Drivers license to buy car insurance?

Yes, you will need a driver's license in order to purchase a car. An insurance company wouldn't accept the risk of insuring an unlicensed driver.

Do you need drivers licenses to register a car in Texas?

Yes, you will need a drivers license to register a car in the state of Texas. Other items needed are proof of insurance and a certificate of inspection.

Can you have a drivers license without car insurance?

Yes, you can. You don't have to have a car insurance in order to have a driver's license.

What do you need to drive in America?

To drive in America, you need a drivers license and a car.Also need car insurance. It is illegal in most states not to have insurance.

Need auto insurance to be able to get a drivers license?

Car insurance is compulsory in order to take a drive test.

No car but have a Florida drivers license do i need to carry insurance?

No. You do not have to carry insurance in Florida if you dont own a vehicle.