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The answer depends upon the nature and terms of your health plan. Plans run the gamut from very limited health maintenance organizations in which you select a primary care physician where he/she has to OK all referrals to specialists, to others where you are given more latitude to seek specialized care. Most all of them allow specialized care, but have a series of approval steps that must be taken to do it correctly.

The best bet if you have a question is to contact Customer Service at the health plan and determine the proper procedure. There is likely a toll-free number on your membership card. If you do not follow the rules concerning pre-authorization, the penalty could be that the plan will not pay the charges even if they may have otherwise been covered and payable.

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Q: Do you need a referral to see a specialist?
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You can ask you family doctor for a referral. Legally you will need a referral from your family doctor before the specialist will see you.

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Your first step would be to go to a local doctor. They can run some test for you. If it is determined that you need to see an allergy specialist, you should be able to easily get a referral.

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Start with your primary care provider, who can do initial screening and referral to determine the most practical specialist and to get some of the initial testing done before you see the specialist.

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A referral is a recommendation from a primary care provider to see a specialist or receive specific services. An authorization is approval from an insurance company for medical services or procedures to be covered. In short, a referral directs you to a specific provider, while an authorization confirms payment coverage.

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If you are close to a rural area, then contact a neurologist ( ear , nose and throat specialist) and make an appoitment. If you need a referral or are not close to a neurologist, contact your primary care physician.

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You will probably have to see a general practicioner first to get a referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist.

How long is a doctor referral to a specialist good for?

normally 6 months

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Just go to a general practitioner, and they will be able to give you a referral to the correct specialist.

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Are you talking about a specialist? Call the primary physician that referred the patient and ask for a referral to be faxed. Otherwise, do not see them.

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The benefits of CareFirst BlueChoice program is that the user will not need a referral to see a specialist, you get 365 days of coverage for hospitals, you don't have to file a claim form, you get discounts on dental care and you get preventative care and wellness benefits.