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No. you don't have to get a needle if your ferret bites you. Unless you didn't get your ferret his rabies vaccination and he has rabies, then you would need an inoculation.

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No. But if it cute through your skin, i'd say no but ask a vet or doctor to make sure. :)

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Q: Do you need a tetanus booster if bitten by a pet ferret?
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You were bitten by a ferret two days ago and had your last tetanus shot in 2004 do you need another one?

Tetanus is caused by a bacteria in the soil. Tetanus shots are thought to be good for at least 10 years. Although rabies are very rare in ferrets, if you were bitten, make sure it had it's rabies vaccinations.

Why do horses need a tetanus shot after injury?

Horses need a booster shot for Tetanus because the bacteria could have gotten into the wound and cause and infection which would be fatal to the horse.

How often horses should receive tetanus vaccinations to insure?

Horses need a tetanus shot once at year and probably a booster if they are injured with cuts or open wounds.

Is rabies shot required if kid got bitten by a Monkey?

no I personally was bitten by a java monkey and I did not have to get a rabies shot, but I did need a tetanus shot.. and that's a pretty big needle!

Do you need a tetanus shot if you received a human bite?

I was bitten by a mole a couple of days ago and went to see my doctor today. She recommended a tetanus shot, so I had one.

Does you need to have anti tetanus vaccine when you bitten dog again?

Only If it has been more than a year since last shot!

What do you need to do when you step on a rusty nail?

You need to wash the affected area immediately with soap and water, then you need to make certain that your tetanus shot is current. If not you should cover the wound with a clean dry piece of gauze and seek medical attention for a tetanus booster shot to protect you.

When do you have to give a horse flu and tetanus jabs?

Once a year is fine. Horses that travel to large horse shows may need a booster just to be safe. Or if he is injured with an open wound an additional tetanus wouldn't hurt.

Do you need a tetanus injection after your ferret bit you and drew blood?

Bites from ferret usually do not cause infections. As with any animal bite, always cleanse the area thoroughly. Tetanus is a disease caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani.According the Merck Manual, people at risk of infection from tetanus are ones that have burns, surgical wounds and injecting drug users and it is relatively rare in the US.

Can tetanus be fatal?

yes, but they need to get shots in order to stop it. if you have an open wound and it comes in contact with soil that is mixed with animal waste, clean it out immediately with antibacterial. but it is safer to make sure that you just get your tetanus shot and a booster every ten years to help prevent it.

Why do you need an anti tetanus injection when you cut ourselves on a rusted nail?

A nail becomes rusty by exposure to the weather. If it has been exposed to the weather, it has also been exposed to germs. These germs may include the very dangerous tetanus bacillus (clostridium tetani). So, to save you from a possibly fatal illness, you can get a tetanus vaccination.

Should you get a tetanus shot after being bitten by a guinea pig?

Unless the guinea pig's teeth are rusted nails, I would hope not. You may need to go see about getting a rabies shot though.