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Q: Do you need a type and cross for platelets transfusion?
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Can a B positive person receive O positive platelets in a transfusion?

the O blood type patients can only receive blood from O type. even they can give to all type, so it is a universal doner but limited acceptor .

Can an O negtive person receive B positive platelets in a transfusion?

the O blood type patients can only receive blood from O type. even they can give to all type, so it is a universal doner but limited acceptor .

Do platelets donated for infusion need to match blood type or something else?


You have type O positive blood your aunt who has cancer has type B negative blood Do you need to be of the same blood type for you to donate platelets to her through apheresis?

Yes, platelets are generally type specific. In O positive, there could be an anti B Negative antigen.

What are some measures to prevent blood transfusion reactions?

you have to know your blood type,but if its an emergency u just need to get O type of blood.

What type of problems might you have if you have to many platelets?

If there is too many platelets your not going to have healthbody or blood

What is an antiplatelet?

Antiplatelet drugs interact with platelets, which is a type of blood cell, to block platelets from aggregating into harmful clots.

Why can a person receive platelets donated by anyone but must receive a particular type of whole blood?

Platelets don't carry any specific anti-body or antigen that would need to be matched up as the whole blood does as to not cause coagulation

I am interested in knowing what the transfusions costs are in a hospital ?

Transfusion costs vary by hospital and type. You will need to check with the Hospital billing office in your area.

Can type A receive type AB blood?

No, you can only receive your blood type when you get a blood transfusion.

What is the importance of blood grouping?

The importance of blood typing is for you to know your blood type in case there is an emergency and you need a blood transfusion. The o type blood can be given to most people regardless of their blood type.

What are the characteristics and functions of platelets?

Platelets are a certain type of cell present uniformly in the bloodstream. Platelets are responsible for the healing action of injuries and the provision of fibrin threads to seal the wounds. Platelets are red in color and oval in shape.