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You can go to Planned Parenthood anywhere and not have to have a parent with you. Teens can come in without parents permission and everything is confidential. The only time they need parents is if they are getting an abortion. State law requires a parent signature on the paperwork.

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Just to talk to them no but it depends on what you want to have done.

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Q: Do you need an adult to go to Planned Parenthood?
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Can a 15 year old go to Planned Parenthood alone If so what do you have to bring?

Yes, a 15 year old can go to Planned Parenthood alone. In order to find out what to bring, call your local Planned Parenthood.

Where to get birth control pills?

You can ask your doctor or go to planned parenthood.

How old do you have to be when you can go to do doctor and get a pregnancy test without your parents knowing or giving consent?

I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.

What if you don't have insurance when you go to plan parenthood?

Planned Parenthood usually wants to know about insurance, but if you have no insurance they would like to know about income and your households income, but if you qualify and income is low they hand you e-pact insurance card that covers the visits at planned parenthood and exams and any health care done there and contraseptives needed.

Is there a way i can get tested for AS without telling your parents?

Yes, there is ways to get pregnancy/STD/STI tested without your parents knowing. Most planned parenthoods offer all of these services, and there is a privacy contract. If you dont want your parents finding out, that can happen. If you are a minor, to go to a planned parenthood you need to be accompanied by an adult 18+ years old.

Does birth control have to be prescribed?

Yes, it does. You can get them prescribed from a gynecologist or go to Planned Parenthood and have a doctor there prescribe it.

How do you get a pregnancy test if your 14 years old?

You buy one at the store or go to your nearest Planned Parenthood.

Can you be pregnant if you had a period for three days?

Yes go take a pregnancy test or go to Planned Parenthood for them to give you a test to be positive.

Could your mom report someone that took you to planned parenthood to get birth control?

No. It is not illegal for a minor to go to PPL.

What if your period was short last month and you have a positive test this month what should you do?

Go to Planned Parenthood and discuss your options.

Are liberal democrates proud planned parenthood murdered over 333000 babies in 2012?

People of all political views are for Planned Parenthood and pro-choice so you cannot not just go by political views. Planned Parenthood is the #1 provider of birth control and health information for women preventing more abortions than any other organization. If Planned Parenthood were to go away abortions would increase. They are proud they help women meet their own needs in family planning and good health. American women have a legal rights over their own bodies, just as American men do. Only embryos and fetuses can be aborted. Planned Parenthood does not commit murder. Murder is applied to killing someone who is born. You have no legal rights until born and the woman carrying the embryo is the one deciding and who have the legal right to terminate a pregnancy.

How old do you have to be to be prescribed the pill?

If you're sexually active, and need the pill, then go to Planned Parenthood. You don't need your parents to come whatever age you are. And as long as your old enough to have your period, then they will prescribe you the right amount of hormones according to your age.