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Really yes you do need some training but other than that no>--Ineshia Sells

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Q: Do you need an internship to become a veterinarian?
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If your becoming a veterinarian do you have to do an internship?


Do you need to go to uni to become a vet?

In my country, yes, it's part of the school's curriculum. I know some countries you have to get an internship in order to graduate

How many years do you need to have in high school and college will you need in order to be a veterinarian?

How many years does it takeyou need four years of a college/university and then four years of internship and then you take an exam and if you pass it then you're finished

What classes should you take in grade ten to become a veterinarian?

Biology and chemistry courses. You will need a Bachelors of Biology, Science or specifically a veterinarian school to become a veterinarian.

What type of schooling do you need to become an exotic veterinarian?

In the United States all types of veterinarians receive the same training - four years of vet school. However, an exotic animal veterinarian ideally would also complete externships and possibly an internship to focus on the non-traditional species they are interested in.

What education do you need to get veterinarian?

to become a veterinarian you need of course to go t high school,college,and vet school you need specialized trainging like how to cure a wond and to check there heart rate you need lots thing to become a veterinarian ♥ you will go to lots of work

How long of an Internship do you need to become a pediatrician?

16 yrs.2 yrs.

Do you need to become an intern to become a vet?

No, you do not have to complete an internship to become a veterinarian. However, as part of your application to veterinary college in the US, you will need to both list hours of veterinary experience in which you either worked with/under a licensed vet or you job-shadowed a vet and provide 2-3 letters of recommendations from current veterinarians.

How old do you need to be to move out become a veterinarian?

It may take five to six years to become a veterinarian. Further getting the practical expereince in this provides the professionalism.

What type of internship is need to become a criminal lawyer?

Try an internship in a law firm or a court house to begin with, this would be a great place to start

Is there any internship required to become an actress?

No. Just need talent, luck, and a good agent.

What do you have to do to become a nerosurrgeon?

To become a neurosurgeon, you will need to complete medical school and a surgical internship. You will then need at least three years of practice as a surgical resident in your field.