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No, you do not have to complete an internship to become a veterinarian. However, as part of your application to veterinary college in the US, you will need to both list hours of veterinary experience in which you either worked with/under a licensed vet or you job-shadowed a vet and provide 2-3 letters of recommendations from current veterinarians.

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16y ago

No you don't need an apprenticeship but you have to go to university. I hope I helped, Shirdiemere.

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Q: Do you need to become an intern to become a vet?
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Yes, you need your grade twelve education to become a vet, along with schooling from University.

How do you intern?

You can become an intern by applying to a company and requesting to become an intern. They will review the application and conduct an interview to determine if you are a good fit for their company.

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you will need bbb and tfww

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you usually have to be an intern at a vet office or an animal shelter.

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What courses do you need to take to do to become a vet?

you need to accomplish math and science

What degree o you need to become a vet?

Veterinary Degree

Why is maths needed to become a vet?

you need maths to become a vet because you need to be able to add how many mililtres of moriphine, antiboiotics etc. an animal needs and stuff like that

How much noledge do you need to become a wild vet?

If you mean a wildlife vet, you need the same amount of schooling that any veterinarian needs, which is to go through vet school.

What op do you need to get to become a vet nurse?

I am pretty sure that you have to get an op 1 or 2 cause that is what my cousin told me. And she wants to become a vet aswell.

OP score to become a Vet?

you need a score of 1-8