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There are many people who would not be alive if blood banks were not established and on hand to supply the needed donations of blood, and continue to require a new transfusion fairly often; they certainly need blood banks.

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Q: Do you need blood banks
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History of blood banks?

history of blood banks

What is the importance of blood banks?

As to the importance of blood, blood banks were established to aid people in need of transfusion, people in state of blood loss', blood banks org. staff including medical laboratory scientist are the ones to secure proper handling, collection, storage and of course precise and accurate way of transfusing into the recipient.

Where do you get blood?

Blood banks

Who created blood banks?

Charles Richard drew created blood banks

Is it important to donate blood?

to keep blood banks full, so blood is on hand when needed. but more importantly if you are a blood donator you dont get charged for blood used if you ever are in need of some. true story

How do blood banks handle a situation with a person that has HIV and with him giving blood?

Blood banks, and the Red Cross which collects blood for blood banks, do not accept blood from people who have HIV, and they also test the blood that they collect in case it has infections that they were not warned about. Every effort is made to keep HIV out of blood that will be used for transfusions.

Why do you have blood banks?


Where can you find rare blood in the USA Do you need a machine to tell different types of blood cells?

People were born with rare blood. You can most likely find it at blood banks. You can see the difference in blood types by taking a test with the blood.

Why was the blood banks created?

To receive blood that people donated to get blood tranfussions.

What are the advantages of blood banks?


Is blood type AB positive more desirable by the universal blood banks?

The AB blood type, especially pertaining to plasma, can be donated to people of all blood types (i.e. if I have the blood type B and need a transfusion, I can use your plasma with no complications). So in that regard it is very desirable by the blood banks.But in most cases, if you donate once the blood banks will continue to ask you to donate again regardless of blood type.

Where can one find cord blood banks?

Cord blood banks can be found in many different cities. Some examples of cord blood banks include one located in San Bruno, California and another located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.