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I would argue yes. Fluoride helps strengthen your teeth and enamel, which is essential to good dental health. Fluoride basically prolongs the age of teeth for a human, by keeping them healthy and clean.

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No, it reduces it.

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Q: Do you need flouride in your toothpaste?
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Where can you get Flouride?

Fluoride(not flouride)is a chemical commenly found in toothpaste

What is the difference between toothpaste with fluoride and toothpaste without fluoride?

Flouride is the main ingredient in toothpaste and will kill the germs and toothpaste is with less flouride but is still very effective but flouride is stronger and works faster but I recommend using both

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A small amount of flouride is supposed to reduce tooth decay, so it is added to some toothpastes. Too much flouride is known to be harmful, so toothpaste without flouride is also available.

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Is stannous flouride found in tooth paste?

Stannous flouride - the cavity fighter found in toothpaste, is made from recycled tin.

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How does sodium fluoride apply to daily life?

Sodium flouride is toothpaste. we use it to brush our human teeth

What causes you to choose toothpaste out of eggshell?

Because it has calcium carbonate and calcium together with flouride makes your teeth stronger! :))

Which products contain fluoride?

Flouride toothpaste one of the most obvious product containing flouride. Then there is mouthwash, antibiotics, tap water, vaccine and much much more. Even food items that we consume contain flouride and some of these are: Spinach, Grape Juice and pickles. Flouride is an element and is good for teeth and in 1940's flouride was added to the water to prevent tooth decay and all the products sold were flouride free but in today's day there are plenty of product sold with flouride which suggests that we may be injesting too much flouride that could turn to be harmful for our bodies.

What is the constituent element of toothpaste?

Toothpaste can include the minerals fluorite, for prevention of decay; quartz, as a thickening agent; mica, to make the toothpaste sparkle; and titanium to make it white or opaque.