

Do you need to be Jewish to be a rabbi?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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This is quite an interestting question and one about which I too have wondered - enough so that I've asked a few rabbis, and none of them has been able to tell me definitively that being Jewish is an essential requirement in a rabbi (and a question a rabbi cannot answer is a rare question indeed). A rabbi is, after all, a teacher rather than a priest; and thus it seems that, should someone who is not Jewish succeed in persuading a yeshiva to accept them and later obtained semicha (rabbinic ordination) there's no reason that he or she should not be considered a rabbi.

However, finding a yeshiva open to non-Jewish rabbinic students would be in all likelihood all but impossible, and even the most liberal of Liberal Judaism congregations might have trouble accepting a non-Jewish rabbi.

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Q: Do you need to be Jewish to be a rabbi?
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