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You can feed them just about anything. AVOID: Chocolate, Potatoes, Lettuce and Tomatoes. Lettuce is bad for their kidneys and digestive system. Keep them away from lettuce, even if they love it. (Some kinds of lettuce is okay, but it better be on the safe side.)

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Q: Do you need to feed your hamster hamster food?
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What do you feed your hamster?

If you go to the pet store, you will find hamster food there.

What kind of seed do you feed your hamster?

You shouldn't feed your hamster seed except as an occasional treat according to my exotic vet as they will pick out only the things they love and not get a balanced diet rich in protein which the need. Get a pelleted or block type of hamster food to feed them properly. The seeded food also contribute to the hamster being overweight due to the fat content in seed preparations.

What to feed hamsters when you are out of their food?

Hamster food, cucumber, lettuce, sometimes daisies

When do you feed a hamster?

You just put a small bowl of hamster food in its cage, when its hungry it will eat.

When you first get your hamster do you need to feed it when you go home?

You should just put water in the water bottle and food in the food bowl. If your hamster is hungry, he/she will just go and eat it. Most times, your hamster won't be hungry because pet stores supply food in their cages.

Is your hamster okey if she poops WITH red?

When They poop red it is either the food or that it is bleding when it craps. If you feed it food that is red the that is why if not you need to take it to the vet ASAP.

Can you feed baby ducklings bread or hamster food?


How much do you feed a syrian hamster?

You should not feed your Syrian hamster more than ten grams of food a day. Be sure to remove old food from the cage every night.

What nutricious food can you feed your hamster after having pups?

Protein filled food is recommended

What does it Cost to feed a hamster?

Not alot, I have a pet rat and we've bought her hamster food before and it was quite cheap.

What is the best thing to feed a hamster?

you should feed it food pellets with 1treat per day. I feed my hamster the same brand every day and if I give him a different brand he will not eat at all

What can i feed my hamster when i don't have hamster food?

If you're all out of hamster food (I suggest you get some soon), you can feed your hamster carrots, lettuce, any vegetable. Stay away from foods other than this. You don't want to take any risks with your hamster. Also, you don't know if your hamster has any serious allergies. At all costs, do what I said. But, if you can help it, get some more hamster food! It's the easy and safe route to go.