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Q: Do you need to put the periods in between the letters of PLLC?
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Does RN need periods in between letters?

No the corrent format is RN not R.N..

DO you need a period after a point in a initial?

No, periods are not typically used after each letter in an initial. Initials are usually written without periods between the letters.

Info i need to know about periods?

The info that you need to know about periods is that you will require a tampon if you are having periods and you want to engage in an activity such as swimming.

After periods do women need to qaza their salah and fasts?

Muslim women DO NOT have to do "qadha" for their salah after their periods. However, they NEED to do "qadha" for fasts that were not done in Ramadhan after their periods.

How can you tell the difference between your period and implantation bleeding or what does it mean if you bleed lightly between your periods?

If you bleed lightly during your periods it is probably because you are ovulating. The difference between a period and implantation bleeding is that a period is heavier and lasts for longer and will need a tampon or sanitary towel, but implantation bleeding is light, not constant and only lasts about 1-2 days. You only need a pantyliner

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Does BBC need periods in the abbreviation?


How much water do trees need in dry month?

between 20-25 gallons of water a week during periods of little or no rainfall.

What is difference between OD and DO?

The order of the letters. For a more definitive answer, you'd need to give us some kind of context.

Vinyl Letters?

form_title= Vinyl Letters form_header= Advertise with letters. What size would you like the letters?*= _ [50] What letters do you need?*= _ [50] Please describe the desired style in detail.*= _ [50] When do the letters need to be completed?*= _ [50]

Need larger letters in your email?

Yes, i need larger letters so i can read everything

Why do you need to have periods?

It shows your body is healthy