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Yes, unless you want the mother to eat them

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15y ago
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12y ago

I believe you do need to separate the pregnant fish from the other fish.

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15y ago

Yes, unless you want the mother to eat them

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14y ago

Goldfish do not get pregnant.

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Q: Do babies have to be separted from the mother fish after birth?
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Can you squeeze the babies out of the guppy?

you can only do it if the baby is stuck in the birth canal. this can cause the mother fish and the rest of the babies in the whom to die. if this happens gently use your thumb and rub its belly.

How do mother fish feed their babies in the ocean?

Some babies live off a mucus the mother excretes or secretes, some babies are born with their own yolk sacs, and many are just on their own from birth.

How do the mother crocodile feed her babies?

Some babies live off a mucus the mother excretes or secretes, some babies are born with their own yolk sacs, and many are just on their own from birth.

Who lays mostly eggs fish or whales?

Well firstly a fish can only give birth to 5 babies at the same time. Whales can give birth to greater than 10 babies!

Why is a dolphin a mammal not a fish?

Because it gives birth to babies, not eggs

Can a female betta fish live with her babies?

No, the male should be kept with the babies. Once the babies are adults, the mother can live with the females.

Which fish gives birth to babies and feeds them on milk?

none that i know of no fish feed their young milk

What is the most number a guppy can give birth to?

Well, my guppy called Nmauva (pronounced, Nim - wava), had 54 babies, but we gave 6 away to my sister's best friend (neighbour) and we have 48 now. So.. If guppies are beginners and haven't had babies before, they would give birth to around 10 - 60 maybe and well experienced mothers can give birth to 20 - 200 babies. My guppy was a beginner and gave birth to 54. Make sure you use a breeding net to have babies. Then take the mother guppy and put her in a separate bowl by herself to rest and with lots of rocks and maybe a small house for a few days (2 - 3 days). Then, put her with all the other fish. Just don't take the babies out of the breeding net (you can buy breeding nets at your local fish store), because then the female fish or male fish can eat the babies. The mother and father can also eat their own babies. Please follow all this information and I hope I gave you enough information.

Do you let the fish out of the cage when its given birth?

Assuming what you mean by cage is a breeder net/cage, it is a good idea to let the mother out of the cage once you are sure she is 'done.' If it is not a two way breeder net then the mother may eat the babies because the babies will not be able to escape. Even if it is a two way so that the babies can escape, the mother will become stressed from living in such a small enclosure.

How are fish reared after birth?

Baby fish first start off still finishing their embryonic stage. When born, most fry still have their yolk sacs attached to them. Slowly, the fish, depending on it's size, will consume the yolk sac as food and energy to produce it's final limbs. Eventually, the fish's yolk runs out, and they start to hunt and eat plankton. After a month or so, depending on the fish, the fry would have completed it's first stage of life(birth and development).it will change into a man fish.

if my fish had 66 babies 30 went missed did the mother eat them?


Does a clown fish give birth or lay eggs?

They have eggs my dad is an expert on fish and he says ''guppys are the only fish who have live babies''