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No. Shaking the glass of fizzy drink will spill it everywhere.

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Q: Do you need to shake a glass of fizzy drink before drinkong it why?
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Related questions

what state of matter are found in a bottle of fizzy drink?

Solid - glass bottle Liquid - drink Gas - fizz

Is fizzy cool drink in a closed bottle and in a glass homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

The mixture is heterogeneous.

Explain why bubbles are formed when the fizzy drink is poured into a glass?

CO2 gas is put into solution in a fizzy drink. When the drink is poured, some of the gas contained in solution starts to form bubbles on the surface of the glass. They attempt to hold on, but with the agitation pouring, many are knocked free instantly to float to the surface and pop.

Is it good to drink a glass of milk before bed?

Yes. If you are hungry before bed you should drink a glass of milk.

What is the noun of drink?

Drink can be a noun. I want that drink! My mother made fizzy, fruit drinks! There is a drink in the glass.... If it refers to alcohol... I am going to drink an alcoholic drink! I am drunk! (also a noun) because I drank (verb) all of that alcoholic (adjective), drink (noun)! If I drink (verb) alcohol, I will get drunk from the drink (noun)!

What is the noun form of drink?

Drink can be a noun. I want that drink! My mother made fizzy, fruit drinks! There is a drink in the glass.... If it refers to alcohol... I am going to drink an alcoholic drink! I am drunk! (also a noun) because I drank (verb) all of that alcoholic (adjective), drink (noun)! If I drink (verb) alcohol, I will get drunk from the drink (noun)!

What does slam the drink mean when making a drink with a shot glass inside it?

Drink it down as soon as you drop the shot glass in the other drink

The standard cocktail glass is often refer to as?

short rocks glass (1oz drink) tall rocks glass (2oz drink)

What is a glass to drink schnapps called?

cooling glass

Why is it advisable to drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before a meal?

Because when you drink water it takes up space (hunger) so you eat less.

What does un verre de mean in English?

literal translation is 'drink a glass' but it means 'drink something'

What glass to drink alcohol out of?

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