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No. Sneezing is commonly a result of inhalant Allergies, the things you breathe in, such as pollen, dust, or, as pictured above, dust mites. Food allergies, for example, can cause gut reactions such as vomiting or diarrhea. Food allergies can also cause itching and swelling. If the face and tongue swell too much, you might die when the swelling in the back of the tongue and the throat is big enough to close off your airway. For this reason, people at risk often carry an EpiPen, injectable medication to stop or ease such a life-threatening reaction until paramedics can get to them or they can get to the nearest hospital. You can be allergic to anything containing a protein; you can be hypersensitive to nearly anything else, and reactions can vary in type and severity.

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Q: Do you need to sneeze to be allergic to something?
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Do turtles sneeze?

Yes, turtles can sneeze. Normally it means the turtle is sick or allergic to something or someone.

What does it mean when you sneeze 7 times?

It means you're allergic to something, or had something really stuck in your nose.

How can tomato ketchup make you sneeze?

It can make you sneeze if your allergic to tomato ketchup.

Why do some body sneeze then make you sneeze?

Unlike yawns, just seeing someone sneezing won't make you need to. Sneezes aren't contagious like that. If you sneeze right after someone else, it's likely do to a lot of dust or other particles in the air irritating both your noses, or you could both be allergic to something in the area.

Why do you sneeze after a shower?

There are a few reasons why you would sneeze after a shower. You could be allergic to the soap for example.

Is it normal to sneeze when you eat mints even if you do not have an allergic reaction?

If they're really strong mints I guess it is normal. If I eat really strong flavored mints or something my eyes water which makes me sneeze sometimes ;)

How do you know if you are allergic to hamsters?

you would probably sneeze or itch!.

Can you be allergic to chalk?

yes. the chalk dust gets up your nose causing you to sneeze. although it is not common to be allergic to it.

If you sneeze after sniffing a flower does that mean your allergic?

It doesent exactly mean your allergic it could be something in the pollen or dust on the flower that the mucus in your nose didnt approve of. If i were you i would tell someone an go get tested just in case you are.

What cause a sneeze?

when something itchy or something or smell get close to your nose you sneeze

How do you know if your alerjic to a cat?

If you start to sneeze around cats or if your eyes start to itch, turn red, or swell up you are allergic to cats. But you could be allergic to something that the cat is around- so check with a doctor if you get those symptoms.

Does a human need to sneeze everyday?

No. Just sneeze whenever you need to.