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Q: Do you need to use contraception at 54?
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Can you get pregnant in the first seven days if taking contraception?

Yes. With most birth control pills or other contraception, you need to use a backup method (such as a condom) for at least the first seven days after starting the contraception. If you think you might be pregnant, please see your doctor immediately.

What do Protestant Christians say about contraception?

A:Protestants are overwhelmingly in favour of the use of contraception.

Should I take a test i are 2 days late for period been getting cramps and use withdrawal for contraception?

You don't use the withrawal method for contraception. You don't use any method for contraception. Use a condom or take it up the ass. By the way, you're pregnant.

What should you do to prevent?

You must use contraception

How do you use contraception pills?

put in mouth and swallow

Is menstrual cycle unchanged by the use of hormonal contraception?


Do Jehovah witnesses approve of contraception?

Contraception is a personal decision. I use birth contol. We just do not use birth control that causes a spontaneous abortion.. as it would kill a life.

Should males and females know about contraception?

Yes, males and females should be educated on contraception. With more information, they can make a sound choice about what they need to do.

Can men use contraception pills for womens?

-_- ask your doctor

Does it matter what type of contraception you use?

no they all do the same thing