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Na daaah of caorse you do

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Q: Do you need two lemon trees to cross pollinate?
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Do you need two tangerine trees to cross pollinate?

No, they are self fertile.

Is it true you need bees?

Yes, they help pollinate different flowers and fruit trees

How does an apple flower pollinate?

It depends on the type of apple tree, some are self pollinating and some need other trees pollen in order to pollinate.

How many trees can a bee pollinated?

Bees pollinate individual blossoms on a tree so it would need a colony of bees (up to 80000) to pollinate a whole tree.

Do you need two apple trees to polinate?

Not necessarily. If you have other plants in your garden (Flowers, shrubs, etc.) you will not need two apple trees. If you have no other plants in your garden, then yes, you will need two apple trees to pollinate.

Do you need 2 Stella cherry trees to bear fruit?

It depends on the variety. Many varieties of fruit tree are self-sterile, meaning that they cannot pollinate with themselves. Due to grafting, if you buy two trees of the same variety, they are genetically identical- basically they are the same tree. So, you need a different variety of the same fruit in order for cross pollination to occur. Some trees are more genetically compatible for cross pollination, which is why in nursery catalogs, different trees are said to be good pollinators. Commercial orchards often plant crab-apple trees in with the apples to ensure good pollination.

How do you cross plant seeds?

If you mean you want to cross breed two plants? First of all you need a male and a female. When the male is ready to pollinate you need to transfer the male pollen to the female. Not all plants are compatible.

What conditions do you need to grow a lemon tree?

Lemon trees may grow in areas with mild winters (since they are sensitive to frost). In such climates, the trees should be planted in sunny areas with good water drainage.

Why do Apple farmers purchase bees?

Apple farmers need bees to pollinate their apple trees. Where bees have been eradicated by pesticides, more bees, or hand pollination, are necessary for the trees to bear fruit.

Can Cherry Trees grow in Las Vegas?

Yes. Stella Cherries are a good choice since they Self Pollinate and Bing Cherries do well also but will need to be pollinated...

How long does the average lemon tree live?

Lemon trees can live more than 30 years. You need to take care of them and not put them in a container.

Why doesn't greenhouses need insects to pollinate flowers?

In short, they do. Greenhouses are not usually sealed, and insects can get in and out, and they will pollinate the flowers.