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Yes! I am 31 and have been living without mine for about 8 years now. People without colons generally have a colostomy bag, or have had a resection, meaning their small intestine has been stretched and sewn to their rectum. People with a resection are able to use the rest room like a normal person, only more frequently as the lack of the colon reduces the ability for water to be absorbed, thus making the stool more soft or even liquidy. People without a colon should take care in what they eat so they don't cause a blockage within their small intestine. Staying away from roughage like lettuce, cabbage, and other hard to digest foods is a sure way to help avoid a blockage from occuring. More fluids should also be consumed and vitamin supplements are good to take, since the colon is not present to absorb these naturally from your food. Vitamin B12 is a must to ensure healthy red blood cell production, which also is absorbed in the colon. So in general, yes, a person can live without a colon. They just need to modify their diet slightly.
Yes but they'd have to wear a colostomy bag to collect their waste.

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yes you can but it's hell

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Q: Do you need your colon to live?
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