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It depends on the school and your field of study. Many doctoral programs accept candidates who have only obtained a bachelor's degree. Most of these programs will automatically award a master's degree to the doctoral student as he or she progresses towards the completion of the Ph.D..

Furthermore, at some schools, entering a Ph.D. program with a master's degree will shorten the course of the program by only one year. There are situations where a student enrolls in a terminal M.A. program but after a year of high achievement asks to be enrolled in a program leading to a Ph.D. While this is possible, sometimes just the opposite is the case. Some prestigious graduate schools do not accept students wishing to pursue a terminal master's degree; they only accept students seeking the Ph.D.. However, if, after completing a considerable portion of the required program, the student is unable to finish the dissertation or meet certain evaluation criteria, the school may award a terminal M.A. or M.Phil. and say goodbye to this student.

For example, the graduate program in history at Columbia University writes this on the admissions page: "Our program is designed for students who seek the Ph.D. Although students entering without a Master's degree earn an M.A. in History in the course of their study here, we do not admit full-time students who wish only to earn a Master's degree." Students entering Columbia's graduate school with a Master's degree are considered to have Advanced Standing, which excuses them from only one year of coursework at Columbia.

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7y ago
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11y ago

A maters degree is not a requirement for entrance into a PhD program in all cases. It depends on the type of degree.

For most PhD programs a master's degree is part of the normal progression, but some schools may not have it as part of the requirements. It is variable in both the school one attends and the subject area. In some sciences and at universities which emphasize the PhD, the Masters degree is treated as a stepping stone. In other universities or subject areas, it is a required hurdle before the PhD program will take you seriously.

Most degree programs at most universities are happy to answer the question when it is directly put to them. A simple communication should provide specific information.

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15y ago

Short answer, no. You can go towards earing your doctoral degree after receiving your bachelors however, be prepared. You will need to take loads more credit hours than someone who has their masters. Do some research about the programs at the university you intend on attending. Additional info on this In the middle of your PhD they will grant you a MA, so essentially you are working towards a MA. May I suggest you do one and then do the other. Having done both degrees I found the PhD stressful and it takes concentration/dedication to finish. I did the MA in less than 2 years and the PhD in 3.5 years. If you are working and have a family be aware that doing grad work also takes a toll on the family as well. Just know this going in because many people do not take these factors into consideration before they start grad work and either never finish or have family problems. I guess that is why only 1% of the United States have PhD's.

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14y ago

Not necessarily. There are many doctoral programs that students may apply to with the completion of a bachelor's degree. The doctorate would take approximately four years post bachelor's degree to complete. The degree can run up to 60 credits in coursework particular to a specific field of study. The actual length of time depends much on how long it takes a student to prepare and defend their dissertation which typically follows the prescribed credit coursework. The dissertation is an individual student project advancing an original view point on a topic of the students choosing. It is developed through extensive supporting research and must be approved by the designated committee.

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15y ago

If you start a doctoral program without a MA/MS you will have to complete the MA program before you start the PhD program. The college will grant you the MA in the middle of your PhD program and then you go on to finish the PhD . If I can offer a suggestion, do the MA/MS and wait a year or two for the PhD because a PhD program is very stressful and requires all of your attention. Having done both I found the MA easy compared to the PhD

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16y ago

Juris Doctor ( J.D.) is a professional doctorate. Thus, you already have the doctorate.

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Duane Anymouse

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3y ago
Yes the Juris Doctoris is a Doctor's degree...of sort. But it's junior the the LLM, Masters of Law, which is the law masters degree.

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16y ago

No. When completed with your undergrad you can take Masters courses which can take typically 2 years, or Doctorate classes which take on average 4 to 6 years.

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