

Do you only play as Zack in crisis core?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Do you only play as Zack in crisis core?
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In Crisis Core you can not play as Cloud, the game is all about Zack.

Did Zack from final fantasy 7 died?

Yes and you can find more about it if you play the PSP game Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core

Can you play Final Fantasy Crisis Core without having a PSP?

No, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is a PSP-only title.

Is there an alternate ending to final fantasy crisis core?

No. Zack's dead and Cloud turns inot a raving lunatic who thinks he's Zack. Play Final Fantasy VII, available on PSN to find out more.

Does Zack fair from ff7 appears in other final fantasy?

Zack Appears in FF7, FF7 Crisis core and FiF7 Before Crisis(not released in the US) The prevailing rumour is that the game will be released on Sprint mobile phones; it has not been verified.

How did cloud die Final Fantasy?

He has never died. But if your reffering to him being semi-comatose with Zack Fair, play Crisis Core and/or the original 7, and pay close attention to the Nebelhiem incidents. Signed, Phoenix

What about Final Fantasy crisis core?

its a psp game. u need an emulator or a psp to play

Can i play crisis core iso with a 3.90m33.3 custom firmware?

Yes you can. I am currently running at that CFW version.

Is there going to be a crisis core 2 for psp?

I really doubt it, crisis core is supposed to expain the events that happend before final fantasy 7. I don't see squeenix further explaining final fantasy with another prequal, unless your asking for another final fantasy 7 based game, like a sequal or something, but I also doubt that.At the very end of Crisis Core ((SPOILER ALERT))Zack dies, and tells Cloud that he has to become his living legacy. Then, one of the last shots you see in the game, you see Cloud surfing a train, as it pans into his face and the game finally takes its fantastic ending. If you have ever played Final Fantasy VII, and have the beginning embedded into your mind, as I did when I first played through the game, you'd notice that Cloud at one point, is in that exact same position, surfing the top of the train. Thus, Crisis Core ends at the very beginning of Final Fantasy VII as Cloud's life story is explained in detail throughout the game. Making Final Fantasy VII, if you would call it thus, Crisis Core 2.As this previous answer states, if you're referring to a prequel to Crisis Core, that's not going to happen. All the events explained in Crisis Core are the events that actually portray to Final Fantasy VII. Anything before Zack really doesn't matter. I personally think that Square Enix did an amazing job with Crisis Core, and the only way I think they could make it any better is if they expanded on the concepts of LOVELESS, as a lot of fans, including me would love to be able to read, and recite, the entire play such as Genesis could.

Why did Zack Fair die in Final Fantasy VII?

When Zack escaped with Cloud from ShinRa lab/mansion, ShinRa military police and the Turks were sent to retrieve them. The difference between these two groups' assignments were that the ShinRa MP were ordered to kill Zack and Cloud on sight, while the Turks were ordered to capture them alive. There seems to be some sort of internal struggle within ShinRa between the two forces, as they do not try and cooperate with one another to secure the runaways. In the one episode anime, Last Order : Final Fantasy VII, Zack was shot (presumably in the head) attempting to shield Cloud from SOLDIER sniper fire while they were both traveling in the back of a truck. Had the ShinRa MPs waited for the Turks to arrive on the scene, Zack may have been taken alive. This doesn't explain why Cloud was not captured or shot at afterwards. In both games, Final Fantasy VII and FF7: Crisis Core, Zack died after being repeatedly shot by the ShinRa Military Police. In both cases he could have been spared by the choice made by the Turks' leader, Tseng, but the MPs reached them first. So in short, Zack died because the ShinRa Military Police wanted him dead. Tseng wanted him alive, but the MPs got to him and Cloud first. This is my version: Do you know that scene in ff7 Advent Children where Cloud stands next to that sword on top of a cliff? That's where Zack dies. What was said up above is pretty much what happened except crisis core is not really the whole truth, the people who made the game made up some parts so that it would make the game more interesting but the ending is pretty much what happened in crisis core Zack was shot protecting Cloud. He was shot by TWO members of soldier not 50 as the game says. My take on all of this: In the three different versions of Zack's death presented to the player he is killed by the ShinRa Military police. Both Last Order and CC imply that Tseng wishes to reach Zack before the Military Police to spare him from death. More specifically, to deliver Aerith's letters to him. As to the number of police that killed Zack, FF7 and Crisis Core are pretty much the same on that. After Zack defeats the ARMY of Military Police he's facing the three surviving MPs gun him down. The FF7 version where Zack is killed, more than likely, only depicts Zack's last moments, whereas CC focuses on the entire battle. Edit: Exactly^. If you play through Crisis Core you'd know that there's absolutely no way Zack could be defeated by three mere MPs. And to answer the question about why Cloud survived, in FF7 Cloud was was shown sprawled out on the cliff a little ways away from Zack, and the troops had decided to let Cloud die on his own, thinking he wouldn't survive in his condition, but in Crisis Core Zack had propped him against a rock out of sight, it was never proved that the troops even acknowledged him there.

On crisis core what is the name of the item that lets you mix materia with items?

to get meteria fusion you simply just play the game to get you farther and you earn it

Who killed Zack fair?

Zack doesn't have a recorded birthday date; Square-Enix did not release information on this.