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Menstruation is the body's way of disposing of an unfertilised egg, so ovulation must come first.

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13y ago

You ovulate first as your period is your body getting rid of the egg and excess mucus etc.

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13y ago

Ovulation. That is why you bleed. The uterus have no egg to get attached to the lining of the uterus so it breaks down and you bleed it out.

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Ovulation and predicting ovulation?

Ovulation is the natural process in a woman's body wherein an mature ovarian follicle ruptures and produces an egg. It's part of a woman's menstrual cycle and usually appears on the 14th day after the first day of menstruation. You can predict ovulation by checking out the cycle of your menstruation. If you have a 28 day cycle, ovulation usually comes on the 14th day after your 1st day of menstruation period. You can also check if your ovulating through charting your basal body temperature, cervical mucus changes and through the use of various ovulation kits.

Does ovulation occur from 14th day until menstruation?

of course not, menstruation occurs on the 14th day not the ovulation, and I say that the start of the menstrual cycle is actually menstruation.

What are four stages of menstruation?

follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, menstruation

Can you ovulate befour you get your period?

Yes, ovulation always comes before menstruation. Menstruation is what happens if you ovulate but don't get pregnant, the uterus gets ready for potential pregnancy and if that doesn't happen then it sheds ready for the next cycle.

Can you ovulating during pregnancy?

No, there is no ovulation or menstruation during pregnancy.

What event happens two weeks before menstruation?


How do you count menstruation?

You should count from the first day of bleeding. That is day 1. Ovulation occurs around day 14 and the next period usually comes along around day 28. You can use a calendar too.

Why ovulation do not occur before menarche?

Ovulation does occur before menarche. Menarche is the term used to describe a girls first period, menstruation will only occur if the woman ovulates. With that said some people will experience vaginal bleeding as a result of hormonal imbalance which will look like menstruation but without ovulation occurring beforehand, and sometimes we call that menarche - because we've no way of knowing if ovulation had occurred.

Is menstruation still occur without having egg released from ovary?

Yes. Menstruation will still occur with out ovulation

Menstruation and ovulation?

Menstruation is a monthly cycle that occurs in females. When an egg is not fertilized, it passes out of the woman's body in the form of blood. Ovulation occurs mid-cycle, and it is the release of an egg from one of the ovaries.

What is menarche known as in female humans?

Menarche is a woman's first menstruation. It follows her first ovulation, as the body excretes blood that accumulated in preparation for a pregnancy that did not occur.

How often does ovulation and menstruation occur?

Normally every 30 days.