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Q: Do you prefer the natural beauty of hardwood floors in your home?
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If you add hardwood floors to your home currently upstairs is carpeted will you get your money back when you sell the home?

Most likely yes, buyers prefer hardwood over carpet.

What color hardwood floors would go best with my living room?

Many different shades of hardwood floor go well with black leather furniture. Many people prefer lighter hardwoods that contrast with the dark furniture.

will hard wood floors have an effect on my power bill ?

I personally prefer hardwood floors to carpeting because it provides a much healthier environment for you and your family. I do not think it will effect your heating and cooling bills, and was not able to find any information stating that it would have any effect when researching this subject.

Are bamboo floors better than hardwood and laminate?

Bamboo is some of the most durable material on Earth, but it is pricier than most flooring. I personally prefer the way that it looks, so to me, even though it's pricier, the appearance and durability gives it more value.

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black beauty

Is hardwood floor better than rug?

The flooring is all up to you. If you prefer a hardwood floor, go with that. If you want a rug floor, that's okay too. You can always do a combo of them, and make some of your floor hardwood, and the rest rug.

What is better hard wood or laminate flooring?

This depends on which objectives are most important to you. Generally, more people prefer hardwood flooring since it's a natural produce and improves your home's value. If it's solid hardwood, it will last much longer and can be refinished multiple times. On other hand, laminate flooring is more scratch resistant and costs less.

How To Convert Your Carpets To Hardwood Flooring?

If you are interested in making the change from carpets or linoleum to hardwood floors, you should know that often it is an easier process than many are led to believe. Many people will tell you that it is a terribly hard transition that often leaves most or all of the house virtually uninhabitable for a significant period of time. However, many new products make it possible for you to go on living despite the fact that you are either putting in or restoring hardwood floors. Plus, after the fact you will be able to step back and really love the flooring in your home. Many people prefer hardwood floors to any other kind because it is so much easier to take care of. With carpeting, often within the first couple of weeks you will already have your first stain and it will only get worse from there. Are carpets really something worth fretting and worrying about all the time? Most people would say not because you end up having to replace them in such a short period of time anyways. Therefore all that stress and time spent trying to keep them clean is wasted mostly wasted energy. It’s a floor and of course it’s going to get dirty sooner or later so why fight it. As opposed to carpets, hardwood flooring is very simply to clean. Often all it takes is a sweep and a quick rub with a wet cloth and your done. The floor always looks great and will go with virtually any kind of decor you can imagine from antiques to modern design. Add a carpet here or there and you will be ready to go. Your house will never look better. When you decide to make this transition, you might also find that perhaps underneath your carpets there is already hardwood flooring. That will make your job easier because if you don’t have to put it in, you simply have to restore what you already have. People who install hardwood floors in their homes tend to be happier overall with the look and design of their space. Perhaps you should give hardwood floors a chance in your home.

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Venus or Aphrodite (goddesses) depending on whether you prefer Greek or Roman.

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Intelligence and beauty are both very desirable traits, that most people admire. There are relatively few people who prefer stupidity and ugliness.

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I never prefer surgery, I prefer natural methods. This site will help you offer an inexpensive natural product that is very effective in personalization

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Visit all the pet shops and choose the one you prefer. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.