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Q: Do you protect yourself from bacteria that might infect you?
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Why does pus form on the head?

Pus is largely dead blood cells and dead bacteria. Your white blood cells are giving their lives to protect you from infectuous bacteria. Do whatever you can in the way of good hygiene to kill those bacteria yourself, and there might be less pus or maybe even no pus. Oily skin provides an environment friendly to the growth of bacteria.

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if you protect yourself with someone else you might live


"Cover yourself from harsh sun" is not a correct sentence. A better sentence with proper structure might be "Cover yourself to protect from the harsh sun".

Why phagocytosis might be beneficialto single celled organisms?

Phagocytosis is important to single celled organisms because phagocytes protect by destroying dirt and bacteria.

Why might you want to buy more insurance than the law requires?

to better protect yourself from a lawsuit or from hefty repair bills.

Why do animals need to protect themselves?

There are many reasons to protect yourself: from other animals who might want to kill and eat you, from the elements, from natural dangers like rockslides or earthquakes, or even from accidents.

Are you able to earth yourself against an stun gun attack?

I suppose if you wore a suit of armour including metal boots it might protect you.

What does in mean when you dream that you have bleeding blisters on your hands?

This dream suggests that you are working too hard and causing harm to yourself. This might refer to your actual work at school or on the job, or it might refer to a relationship or an idea or project that is hurting you severely. >The dream might also be notice that you need to protect yourself from the effects of your own efforts. In the dream metaphor, simply wearing good work gloves would prevent the blisters. So there might be some equally simple measure that needs to be taken in real life to protect yourself physically or emotionally.

Can you apply a tattoo if you have hepatitis?

No because if you have HEPATITIS! you might infect the needles and the die for tattoos.

Can coldsores infect lip piercings?

no, but it might make it hurts if the coldsore is near the lip piercing.

Can an immune person carry German measles?

of course not! because there is a possibilities that you might contiminate the air or foods outside as well as you might pass the virus or bacteria to other person. so just stay at home and quarantine yourself.

How might a bacteriophage prove to useful?

It helps us digest our food. It helps us break down the food particles so that we can absorb them