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If the full stop is at the end of the initials then there should be a space before the next word.

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Q: Do you put a space after a full stop in initials?
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Do you put a space after the full stop?


Do you space within initials?

All you have to do is put a period. For Example: JIM ERIC COHEN = J.E.C (.) if its the end of a sentence.

Do you put a full stop after Dr.?

No, it is not necessary to put a full stop after "Dr." unless it is followed by a sentence.

Should i put a full stop after the word thank you?


Do you put a full stop in an address?

No, you do not need to use a full stop in an address unless it is at the end of a sentence. When writing out an address, use commas between the different parts of the address (e.g., street, city, state).

How do i ask a question to vetty?

Do a full stop. Then write in your answer. on the screen it will be coming up with vetty, please answer: or vetty please answer the following:. when you have done your answer, do a full stop. carry on the sentence so that it is vetty, please answer: or vetty, please answer the following: but you must not use capitals, put the space before the comma, or not use a colon. when you have put in a colon (:) it will go onto question. type in question and put in question mark(?).

Do you put a full stop after a number?

If it is at the end of a sentence then yes however if not then no

What punctuation is used most?

full stop, it is only reasonable because whenever you end a sentence you put a full stop roughly 97% of the time

Do you put a full stop after a heading?

No, typically a full stop is not used after a heading in formatting texts. Headings are meant to be brief and act as signposts for the content that follows.

Do you put a full stop at the end of a caption?

depends. If I put the Quote "you do not have a pig" and the I want to keep going i would put,"You do not have a pig." but If you don't want to keep going yo would put the period after the quotation mark.

Do you put a period after info?

No you do not. Info. is an abbreviation and therefore requires a full stop

Do you put a capital letter after closing speech marks with a full stop?

Yes, in American English, the general convention is to place the period inside the closing quotation marks. For example: "Hello." In British English, the period is placed outside the closing quotation marks unless it is part of the quoted material.