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Yes. Most freshwater aquatic turtles prefer to feed from the surface of the water. The standard (and best) turtle food is Reptomin Floating Food Sticks, which come in a tall green can with a yellow lid. As advertised, these food sticks float on the surface.

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Q: Do you put food you give your baby red eared slider in their water?
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What do baby red-eared slider eat?

You can purchase a good quality turtle food and/or leafy greens. You can allow the greens to float in the water. The turtles will bite off of it.

What is a red eared slider's favorite food?

feed raw chicken or meat due to the risk of bacterial contamination. Also See. How Much Should I Feed My Red Eared Slider? How Should I Give My Red Eared Slider Its Food?

What food does a baby red eared slider eat other than bought turtle food?

Young baby turtles can eat many different ,but something easy is wiggle tails or baby mosquitos

Should you feed your red eared slider turtle with a food tray?

no,slider turtles have fixed tongues but no saliva for that reason they must eat inside water

Can red eared slider turtles eat onions?

No, however, red-eared slider turtles tend to be very open to any new type of food expect onions

What do you do when your red eared slider turns vicious?

You must feed it gourmet turtle food

What food should you feed your red eared slider?

You should feed them aquatic turtle food, such as Reptomin Floating Food Sticks.

What do Singapore turtles eat?

Feed your red-eared slider regularly. Turtles require different amounts of food depending on their size. If you are unsure how much food to feed your turtle, consult a veterinarian. Feed your red-eared slider a high-protein commercial turtle kibble, available at your local pet store. To supplement this food, give your red-eared slider chopped vegetables such as zucchini, kale, dandelions, squash, endive leaves and collard greens.

Is a red eared slider a carnivore?

A Red Eared Slider Turtle is an omnivore. They tend to stick to a more carnivore diet as a baby, and grow into being more herbivorous as they age. You can buy turtle pellet food from a local pet store to feed them as a base diet but you should also feed them a variety of different food such as: earthworms, crickets, feeder fish (they can work, though they can also carry diseases), etc.

Is a red eared slider turtle a carnivore?

A Red eared slider turtle is an omnivore. They tend to stick to a more carnivore diet as a baby, and grow into being more herbivorous as they age. You can buy turtle pellet food from a local pet store to feed them as a base diet but you should also feed them a variety of different food such as: earthworms, crickets, feeder fish (they can work, though they can also carry diseases), etc.

Will a big red eared sliders attack a small red eared slider?

Watch your red eared slider while they are feeding. Notice the way that their eyes focus on their food to the point where they are nearly cross-eyed? That is a signal when they are about to bite something. So when their eyes focus, that is when they are about to 'attack'.

Will a red-eared slider eat hamburger meat?

NO ! Since it would NEVER come across such an unsuitable food in the wild !