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Q: Do you receive blood when hemoglobin is low?
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Where do the blood go if you have a transfusion but your hemoglobin is still low?

Hemoglobin is the fluid that transports blood cells. If you get a transfusion of red blood cells, they would be in the hemoglobin even if it is low.

Which blood disorder is characterized by low hemoglobin level?

Anemia is a deficiency in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

What is a word for abnormally low of hemoglobin?

An abnormally low quantity of hemoglobin in the blood is called anemia. Anemia also refers to a low red blood cell count.

What is the blood condition of low hemoglobin?


What is done for low hemoglobin and having blood transfusion?

blood transfusion and low iron

What causes blood transfusionor low blood pressure?

If you have a low blood pressure, low hematocrit and hemoglobin, you need to have a blood transfusion.

Why do blood banks dispose of blood with low levels of bisphosphoglycerate?

Low BPG levels indicate a low hemoglobin level in the red blood cells.

Low levels of blood hemoglobin indicate a deficiency of what?


What are Hemoglobin shots?

Hemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood, and it contains iron. Hemoglobin shots are a treatment for low iron or anemia. They're a replacement for the body's natural hemoglobin.

What reduces hemoglobin in the blood?

hemoglobin is reduced when the boby is lacking iron which is responsible for the formation of hemoglobin

When should a patient not receive physical therapy if hemoglobin is low?

less than 8.0L

What makes a person need hemoglobin?

low blood counts white and red blood cells