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Q: Do you separate your other hens from you mother hen and chicks?
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Do hens care for the chicks after they are hatched?

yes they do the chicks follow the mother round until they can look after themself

What do mother chickens feed their baby chicks for breakfast?

Chicks hatch and know instinctively what to eat. Brood hens do not teach or feed the chicks.

Where do hens stay with their chicks at night?

Hens and their chicks stay in their nests.

Do male chicks have spurs when they hatch?

No they do not. If they did it would be very easy to separate the future roosters from the future hens.

Can you leave the rooster in the pen with mother and babies?

Usually the rooster will ignore the chicks unless he is a particularly aggressive male. The mother hen will guard the chicks but cannot keep them safe all the time. If you have space to separate them do so. If the birds are free range then you will have more problems from aggressive hens than from the rooster.

Can chicks be adopted by other hens?

Technically no, but they generally stay together

Will roosters kill baby chicks?

Its not usually the rooster you need to worry about. Most roosters just ignore the chicks. It's the other hens in the flock who will peck at the young ones. One misplaced peck will wound or stun a chick and unless the mother hen protects the little one the other hens will come in for the kill. Often the mother hen is guarding the other chicks when one gets into trouble. Whenever possible, it is best to keep the brood hen and chicks away from the other members of the flock until they are old enough to escape unwanted attention.

Does the hen feed the baby turkey's?

No, mother hens do not feed their chicks. The mother hen calls her chicks and encourages them to peck food up off the ground in the same way that she does.

What are brood hens?

Brood hens hatch chicks. A brood is a collection of baby chicks hatched by one hen.

Do you get wool from hens?

you get it from sheep not hen. hens make egge and chicks

How chick differ from a hen?

chicks are baby hens hens are female chickens

Can you put incubator chicks in with hens?
