

Do you single or double space a document?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Double space the document.

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How can I find and replace a single space with a double space in an Microsoft Word Document?

Use find option "Find and replace".

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Do you single or double space business document?

It depends on the specific style guide or formatting requirements provided by the organization. Typically, business documents are single-spaced to conserve space and make them easier to read. However, some organizations may require double spacing for better clarity and readability.

Why might you double space in a paragraph rather than single space?

It's often done so someone can make notes or comments between the lines (as opposed to writing everything at the end of the document).

What does simple interline mean -does this mean single space or double space when designing a document in a word processor?

"Simple interline" usually refers to single spacing in a word processor. This means there is no additional spacing between lines of text, resulting in a tighter layout. If you are looking for double spacing, you would need to specifically select that option.

Should you double space your cover letter?

single space within a paragraph and double space between paragraphs.

What does spacing refer to?

line spacing is used in a computer text document (such as Word). it is the space between each line of text examples: 1.5, double spaceing, single spacing.

What does line spacing refer to?

line spacing is used in a computer text document (such as Word). it is the space between each line of text examples: 1.5, double spaceing, single spacing.

How do you double space on skydrive?

you highlight you document then you go to line spacing on the toolbar

How do you double space pages document?

you press ctrl then 2 at the same time

How do you double space an open office document?

open context box. choose line spacing. and then choose double

Is it true or false references are single space and double space between them?

False. References are typically formatted with a hanging indent and are single-spaced within each reference, with a double space between references.