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Since you are using the term perimenopausal am assuming you are in the beginning stages of menopause and yes at this stage you can still have normal vaginal discharge since you body has not taken the full circle into menopause. If you feel like it troubles you though, better to see your doctor.

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Q: Do you still have vaginal discharge if perimenopausal?
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Do you still have vaginal discharge when pregnant?

Yes of course. The discharge is the vaginal cleaning system.

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Yes it is normal to have vaginal discharge daily. A milky colored discharge is normal discharge

Is it bad to remove vaginal discharge?

No vaginal discharge should be kept clean to prevent infection.

Is vaginal candida white discharge with no scent a sign that you are pregnant?

The vagina loses discharge naturally as its a natural vaginal lubrication. Excessive vaginal discharge can be a sign of pregnancy or ovulation.

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Every woman has vaginal discharge. It is mroe noticeable when pregnant. Yes you can have a normal healthy baby when having vaginal discharge.

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Can you get vaginal discharge and get pregrant?

Having vaginal discharge does not prevent you from getting pregnant. It will not expel the sperm. It is not a way to determine whether or not you are pregnant. You can have discharge at any time, pregnant or not.

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A vaginal mucous discharge.

Is vaginal discharge increases with increasing body temperature?

There are many reasons for vaginal discharge. Whether the genesis of the discharge is hormonal or some type of infection, you body temperature does not produce an increased amount of discharge.

Can you go swimming if you have vaginal discharge?

Note when your heavier vaginal discharge flow is during the month and go when it's at its weakest. That's what I do.