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In my perspective, I would want a girl to have courage to tell me that in a face to face conversation.

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Q: Do you text a guy letting him know you have been thinking of him?
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Is it correct to say I would appreciate your letting me know?

"Will either you or him please text me, and let me know."I'm pretty sure... ^-^'Yes, "Will you or he please text me and let me know" is grammatically correct. "Will you or him please text me..." is not.

How can you let your partner know that your thinking of them?

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What is mhm in text?

It means tht you really dont know...or you dnt understand or your just propbably thinking.

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To text your crush and ask how his day is going allows him to know that you are thinking of him. That you care and like to know he is having a good day.

How do you get back with girl through messages?

I really don't suggest getting back together with a girl via text messages or anything similar. I'd recommend going to her house and letting her know that you're sorry for whatever you did.

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It means they are busy and if you press one they will be sent a text message letting them know you called

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How do i tell my ex I miss him without really telling him I hope that makes sense?

You can text him or write him and ask him about his life and how he is. He will then know you are thinking about him.

What does TOY mean in text language?

Thinking of you

What does hmm mean in a text message?

In a text its the same as real life its just "hmm" like in real life if you do it it means you are thinking by making that noise. Its hard to express that you are thinking in a text so people generally write "hmm" to express they are thinking about what you said and they dont exactly have a answer right now.

What does it mean if you love your girlfriend but dont know how to show it?

It doesn't necessarily have to mean anything. It just means you need a little practice. Just let your girlfriend know how you feel about her. Send her a text out of the blue letting her know you're thinking of her. Hug and kiss her at random. Men (and girls themselves) tend to think that women are complicated creatures, but they're not. They really just want to feel wanted, and special and loved. And everyone has that ability.