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Q: Do you think Artificial Intelligence could be programmed to program itself?
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What impact does Marfan syndrome have on the ability to learn?

Marfan syndrome can affect learning abilities if a child experiences vision problems, attention deficits, or learning disabilities associated with the condition. However, with appropriate support and accommodations, individuals with Marfan syndrome can still achieve academic success. Regular monitoring and early intervention can help address any learning challenges that may arise.

What is the term freud use to say the mind protects itself?

Freud used the term "defense mechanisms" to describe how the mind protects itself from potentially harmful thoughts or feelings. These mechanisms operate unconsciously and help to reduce anxiety or discomfort.

Is immortality achievable by humans?

As of now, achieving immortality for humans is not scientifically possible. While advancements in medical technology have extended human lifespan, achieving true immortality beyond natural limitations remains a topic of speculation and not current reality.

What are the requirements for master degree in psychology?

Requirements for a master's degree in psychology typically include a bachelor's degree in psychology or a related field, a competitive GPA (often 3.0 or higher), letters of recommendation, a personal statement, GRE scores (in some cases), and possibly relevant work or research experience. Each program may have specific requirements, so it's important to research and confirm the exact criteria for the programs you are interested in.

Are females dumb?

No, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that females are dumb. Intelligence is not determined by gender and should not be generalized. It is important to treat all individuals with respect and recognize their unique abilities and strengths.

Related questions

What is the different between artificial intelligence and computer systems?

In very simple terms, a conventional computer does what it is programmed to do and no more. Artifical Intelligence (AI) involves a computer that is able to teach itself and emulate an intelligent response to the use.

Is artificial intelligence the same as emotions?

No. Artificial intelligence refers to the concept that a machine would be able to reason for itself, without being programmed what to do in each specific instance out opf a variety of possibilities. Emotion is the human ability to 'feel' love, anger, sadness due to external or internal events.

What do AL stands for?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. This is a theory from many top scientists, that a machine can think and make decisions for itself.

Can you program a new Nissan key?

The key itself cannot be programmed. The car can be programmed to accept the new key, however. This usually requires a technician at the dealer to do, but some vehicles can be programmed yourself IF you already have TWO keys programmed into the vehicle. The method can vary by car, but the owner's manual should contain the method.

What is the difference between AI and conventional programming?

Artificial Intelligence*primary symbolic process*Heuristic search-steps are implicit*Control structure usually separate from the domain knowledge*usually easy to modify update and enlarge*some incorrect answers are tolerable*satisfactory answers usually acceptableConventional Programming*numeric*Algorithmic--steps are explicit*information and control are integrated together*difficult to modify*correct answers are required*best possible solution usually sought

Could Artificial intelligence could advance so much it could start learning on its own?

It is theoretically possible ! If it was possible to write a computer program that enabled a computer to improve the original program itself - without any input from external sources (including humans) - then it would become 'self-aware'. This could make it possible for the computer to learn according to the rules of the original program, and incorporate the self-taught improvements.

How do you make knowledge?

You cannot make knowledge only by itself. It needs a subject. For e.g: Knowledge about Climate Change, Knowledge About Technology and other things that uses knowledge here on earth. We cannot make knowledge but we can make intelligence, like Artificial Intelligence.

Can rc robots be programmed to speak?

Usually, the answer is yes, but it depends on the model of the rc robot itself. There are many softwares out there used to program rc robots to speak and do different tasks.

What is artificaal intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) allows machines to learn from their mistakes, adapt to new inputs, and execute human-like jobs. Deep learning and natural language processing are at the heart of most AI systems you see today, from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars. When enormous amounts of data are combined with quick iterative processing and sophisticated algorithms in artificial intelligence (AI), patterns or features in the data can be learned by the software on its own. The major goal of AI is to create software that is able to reason and explain itself. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be able to mimic human interactions with software and assist in making decisions, but it is not a replacement for humans and will not be in the near future. To learn more about Artificial Intelligence, I recommend checking out the AI courses available at With their high-quality content, they assisted me in establishing a successful career as an AI engineer.

How do you program windows?

Strange question, Windows itself was programmed in assembly language by hundreds of programmers. If you want to program for windows you could write a batch file to perform a simple task or for a more complicated program you would require a programming language which can be executed on windows for example Java or Visual Basic.

Give topics in field of Artificial intelligence for paper presentation?

Implementing, analyzing, and using real-time intelligence to create artificial intelligence is a marvel created by scientists. From helping robots in wars to medical fields, AI has come a long way from simply solving mathematical algorithms. So imagine how impressive it will be when AI is implemented in marketing. AI in marketing technology trends has been estimated to hit a massive $ 190 billion industry by 2025. When consumers get what they want with minimal effort, AI has delivered what it promised. And this is precisely why you should incorporate AI into your marketing business. The best example of successful AI marketing is Alibaba's FashionAI store in Hong Kong. By using smart clothing labels, smart mirrors, and omnichannel integration, the FashionAI store provided customers with a "never like before" experience. 44% of customers gave positive feedback.

Are electro magnets sometimes called artificial magnets?

Yes, electromagnets itself is an artificial magnet.