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i dont think its dangerous because u cant type numbers to give away any personal things but older people do Club Penguin witch is sort of weird , but u really cant say anything that is personal about your self besides like your favorite color or game or sport or music the safe thing about it is u cant say any bad words witch is sort of messed up but it is for really young kids but its supposed to be for preteens. the dumb thing is u cant see who the person really is or really looks like your just a penguin. i mean its fun but to protective and if u do say bad words be aware that you will get bannded

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flap on cp means to slap, or hit, or punch in cp style -hope it helped! cp name- Fuzzy Rose1 XD ADD ME!

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ello, its xtashadiepx from cp anyways ive never heard of cp channel but i think for cptv was only funny for the April fools episode sooo sorry this probably didnt help....

When was Club Penguin officially made?

I think CP was officially made in 2005.