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It is okay. Although people have traditionally kept the ashes of their beloved in an urn, another method of keeping them which is currently in favor is to plant the ashes under a favorite tree or bush. Any trace elements which have remained in the ashes of your dear one can then be absorbed as needed by the plant and so, in effect, you are giving back to nature what nature helped to build. It is a nice way to remember him/her.

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Q: Do you think it is OK to keep the cremated ashes of your spouse if that was his or her wish?
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Having the ashes added into the black ink of a tattoo can keep your loved ones (pets included) closer to you long after they are gone.

What happens to dogs after they get put to sleep?

Ive read that you can have the vet put your deceased dog into a deep freezer(to halt decay) and have it cremated. Or you could have it cremated yourself and keep the ashes.

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there is no relevant section in law that determine who owns the ashes of the deceased, however, one would assume that the same legal principal applies regarding the deceased's property. if the deceased was married at time of death, the wife is entitled to keep the ashes at her own will, or may delegate ownership to the parental figures in question, or any person who she permits to have the ashes.

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Cornelia told her third husband, Bill Goodsir, to keep her death anonymous with no publicity. Cornelia was cremated and her ashes were placed at a church near her home. Later when her husband Bill Goodsir died, Cornelia's ashes were placed on his casket and she was buried with him.

Cant part with dead husbands ashes?

I am very sorry to hear of your loss. You are going through a normal grieving process and there is nothing wrong with keeping your husband's ashes close to you if it brings you some peace. You can keep his ashes with the request in your Will that you have your husband's ashes buried with you or, if you have chosen to be cremated then have both sets of ashes taken to the favorite place of your husbands and you and have the ashes scattered (many people do this.) In time the hurt will go away, but of course your husband will always be in your heart. Remind yourself of what he would think if you just sat about forever and didn't dust yourself off eventually and start living.

What to do with human ashes once cremated?

Cremated ashes can be put thrown or placed virtually anywhere (They are now also being sent to outer space) depending on the wishes of the cremated person or the person that has the ashes.Alternately:The ashes can be:Kept in an urn by the next of kin (a ready source for humorous accidents)Scattered at a favourite place (not as pleasant as it is on TV or movies as corpse dust gets blown into your eyes and mouth)Tossed out with the trashLeft with the crematorium - it's their problemIt is often stated that the ashes of cremated civil servants are put into hourglasses so the government can finally get some work out of them.

What do you do when receiving ashes?

When receiving ashes, you need to decide if you are going to keep them or scatter them. If you are keeping them, you need to make sure to keep them in a safe container.

Can we keep our pets ashes at home?

Yes,a lot of people put the ashes in jars on like a shelf.

When a person is cremated why are there no chunks of gold in the ashes does the undertaker take the teeth out or does the gold vaporize?

Gold does not vaporize. Once a body is cremated, the remains are put into a machine called a Cremulator. This grinds the leftover bone into a fine ash. Items not destroyed through the cremation process (artificial hips, gold teeth) are then extracted. Some crematoria recycle precious metals and donate the proceeds to charity. Others keep the profits.

How long do you keep the ashes from Ash wendsay?

You keep the ashes for as long as they are on your forehead do not wipe them away because that is considered sacrilegious. But if you accidentally wipe it off it is okay.

Can you bring home your euthanized dog from the vet?

Yes you can. Just bring lots of blankets with you to wrap your dog's body in. You have other options on what you can do. You can bury your dog at home or have it cremated and then they send you your dog's ashes in a nice urn for you to keep or you can choose to have your dog's remains buried in a dog cemetery but they do charge you.

How and where to bury a body?

You can bury ashes in your local Cemetery or local Natural Burial Ground. Consider burying the ashes in a place the deceased enjoyed. Some people keep the ashes.