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For some, not all, good manners can be infectious because good manners in the right places polish the person's personality and rounds out their character. Just because some people may lead a life that is more laid back and they are not into high social events where manners are most expected doesn't mean that person is a lesser individual.

The purpose of manners is to make social interactions work more smoothly. When things go more smoothly, it increases the likelihood that people will consider the needs of others in addition to their own. Therefore, one person showing consideration for others can have a beneficial effect on everyone. However, manners are learned behavior, and it is unlikely that exposure to good manners will make a boorish person more mannerly unless that person truly wants to learn and change.

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The word infectious has a negative connotation that many persons may disagree with. But by definition and metaphor, yes, they are.

When a person is treated well, their mood is raised, and a better mood allows a person to make better judgements, to make more sacrifice for others, and generally, people are nicer when in a better mood (they are less easily frustrated or annoyed.) So when people treat others nicely, those others are more able, as well as more incited, to act well.

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I think I have good manners, but it is hard to tell how other people see you. I think the main way to tell if you have good manners is to be self-aware enough to tell what's expected of you in whatever situation you're in. Which can be subjective, but the basics (please, thank you, not talking with your mouth full) are always a good place to start.

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That depends on the people with whom one associates. Many have no idea what good manners are or how they would act in polite society. For them, good manners mean nothing. For people who understand manners and courtesy, yes; manners are "in".

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The name for good manners is 'Etiquette.'

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There is no single accepted code of good manners because good manners, or etiquette, depends on both the culture and situation.

What people think of bad manners?

Friday is National Good Manners day. So you'd all better mind your Ps & Qs. Are manners important? If you meet someone with bad manners, do you think less of them? Do you get fed up with your parents always telling you off about your behaviour? Come on, let us know what you think, but don't SHOUT. Manners are very important. They show that someone has been brought up well and that they can behave. Having manners show the type of person that you are! Stephanie, 14, Shropshire I think manners are important and every family should teach their children some manners. Melanie, 13, London I think the only time you should really use manners is when you want to make a good impression like meeting your boyfriend's mum and dad! Abbie, 13, Oxfordshire I think some manners are a bit silly like don't have your elbows on the table. But I hate it when my best mate swears in front of me! Josie, 10, Southend

Can you give a sentence with good manners?

for the good manners in the school. don't ever yell at your techer

How should you make draft speech on good manners?

good manners form an important of our cvilization

How do you use the word manners in a sentence?

Jimmy has really good table manners. Saying thank you is really good manners. Bob burped and didn't say parden that is NOT good manners! hope these Sentences help you LOL! :D

Where from I can take educatin for good manners in paris?

You can take education for good manners in Paris at the University of Paris.

What is good manners?

The basic idea behind good manners is to think about what might annoy or disturb other people and not to do it. It also helps to think about how you could help someone and to offer to do that. All rules of manners boil down to these two objectives. If you keep them in mind, you should stay on the right side of most people. Sometimes you have to balance them. If you offer to help someone who has already told you that they don't want it, you may annoy them, so offering to help is not good manners in that case.