

Do you think the holocaust could happen again?

Updated: 3/20/2020
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11y ago

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yes, if we get an uncontrolled dictator

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Q: Do you think the holocaust could happen again?
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Why do you think an even like the holocaust can happen again?

because people haven't changed.

Could another Holocaust happen in the 21st century?

I DONT think so,and it better NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Have you any reason at all to think that this is likely to happen? For example, are Jews persecuted in the US? Surely not!

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the Holocaust was an event, you cannot attribute moral values to an event. There were victims and persecutors in this event. You can say that people were bad or their motivations were bad, you can say that the perpetrators of the Holocaust were bad, you could even say that it was a bad thing that the Holocaust had to happen. Sorry to come over all Buddhist, but people are bad, not things.

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{| |- | It certainly could happen again. While we would like to think that mankind learned from the Cold War just how draining such competition can be, we may not be that smart. To a certain extent, the rivalry, suspicion and fear can be found in the events of the Middle East today. |}

Should everybody read about the holocaust?

It up to you if you want to read it, never do something because someone else does it. You should be independent and only answer to your self! I think we all need to understand. By ignoring history you are doomed to repeat it & it must never happen again.

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because no one objected to their anti-Jewish measures in the thirties, no one took in the Jews when they could and no one tried to stop the Holocaust.

If the holoucaust was to happen again would people think it was right?

There are always hateful people who are happy to get rid of others who are different from them. Unfortunately, it could happen again fairly easily if we don't really watch what's going on in our country and countries around the world.

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nothing. Maybe you could think that for all the murders committed everyday. But the cause of the violence has nothing related to the holocaust. This is a drug cartel war.

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i do not think this answer is correct i think it should be looked over again and re answered....