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You do not always need to use a comma with the word sobut if you do, it is best to only use the comma before the word. An example is "The travellers faced a long drive home, so they decided to stop at MacDonald's first."

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12y ago
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13y ago

Yes, for example...

Before she washed her dog, she had to buy soap.

A:Not necessarily. Ex. Charles was a prince before he became King.
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13y ago

You can use it whenever you feel. A comma after an adverb is not wrong, but it also is not necessarily needed.

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Q: Do you use a comma when using the word before?
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Not necessarily. There is no word in English that requires a comma.

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You can put a comma before or after just about any word if the sentence structure requires it. If the sentence structure does not require it, it may be permissable to use a comma to assist in clarity and avoid confusion. Otherwise, don't use a comma. Have I confused you yet? Using a comma does not depend on the word, it depends on the structure of the sentence.

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