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Q: Do you use a super computer if you were teaching a it class?
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Use of computers in mechanical engineering?

I think there is no use of computers . But if u like computers then u can make super computer through mechanical eng. . I pass 12th class.

What type of computer do you use in a it class?

Desktop Compact Computer

Where does the super computer use in Bangladesh?

In Bangladesh Computer Council and they called it "Nayan".

How many users can use a super computer?

Very many people.

Who use a computer?

you think yourself or maybe your super great grandfather........ :)

Difference between super and final keyword?

this is a reference to the current classsuper is a reference to the super class of the current class (the class from which this class extends). You can use super.super if you want to access the second level class. (The class your parent class extends) The purpose of having thisand super keywords is to differentiate between methods and variables in classes that may have the same name as that in the parent class. Under such situations if we want to ensure that only the methods from a particular class only gets called we can use this and super.

Can you use the word disks in a sentence?

The disks were in the computer, ready for class.

What type of computer would be used to process scientific data and show the possible underlying patterns?

A super computer. A giant computer made out of super awesome parts which you can access and use from/with your very own not-so-awesome computer by connecting yourself to the super computer. But the super computers are sort of tricky. They become like REALLY hot so you need a somewhat awesome air conditioning system.

How do explicitly invoke overridden superclass method from a subclass?

Use the super keyword. Example: public class Super { public void methodToOverride() { } } public class Sub { @Override public void methodToOverride() { super.methodToOverride(); } }

What is the program to use the super and final keyword in java?

Many programs use those keywords.super refers to the direct superclass of the class referencing itfinal declares a variable or class unchangable

Where could one find some teaching tools?

One may find some teaching tools at the website "Super Teacher Tools". One may also use the well known brand "Scholastic" to find great teaching tools.

Explain different use of super with the help of java program?

the keyword super is used to access methods/variables of the parent class. ex: public class A { public String getName(){ ..... } } public class B extends A { public String getName(){ ..... } } If you want to access the method getName of class A inside class B you cannot do directly because the compiler would get confused. you need not create an object of A since it is already available. At this point you can use super super.getName() is enough to call the method of the parent class