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It is applied to the burn because it is an open sore. Whatever you put on the burn is going inside your body, therefore it needs to be sterile to prevent infection.

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So it doesn't get infected.

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Q: Do you wrap a burn in sterile dressings?
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If the burn was to the lid of the eye what type of treatment would be indicated?

sterile moist dressings

What is the difference between sterile and non-sterile dressings?

sterile gloves are clean never before used gloves, while non-sterile gloves have been used but are clean

Can i clean my burn with peroxide you have a second degree burn?

Not advised. You need actual burn dressings.

What is the aid for first degree burns?

run cool water over the effected area for at least 5 min or until the pain subsides then dress with sterile gause bandage preferably burn dressings

What dressing is one that is free of germ prior to use?

All dressings; aslong as the packaging is not comprimised, should be sterile.

How do you not freezer burn your chicken?

Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, and then put it in a container.

First aid for burns?

The first priority is to remove the patient from the source, to stop the burning process. Then, after performing your primary survey, you should cut and remove burned or restrictive clothing (DO NOT remove anything if it is stuck to the skin). Remove jewelry as well. Administer oxygen via non-rebreather mask at 15 L/min. If the burns are mild or moderate, you should irrigate them with cool water, and cover them with loose, dry dressings. Be careful not to overcool the patient to the point of hypothermia. If the burns are critical, cover them with sterile, dry dressings, and loosely position dressings between their fingers or toes (depending on what was burned). Do not moisten the dressings on a critical burn patient unless the total burn surface area is <9%, sterile water is used, and the patient will not have to wait out in the cold for an ambulance.

What should never placed on a burn?

dry sterile dressing

What do you put on an electrical burn?

For an electrical burn, only put on dry, sterile bandages. Do not remove any clothing if it is stuck to the burn.

What dressing is free of germs prior to use?

Only dressings in sealed packages labeled as being sterile are sterile (free of all microbes) until opened & contaminated by being in contact with anything that is not sterile. These are available at almost any pharmacy or drugstore. Nothing that is not labeled as sterile can be considered free of germs. Never breathe over or allow anything to touch the side of a sterile dressing which will touch the wound.

What type of burn requires the following cover areas with loose dry sterile dressing and casevac?

third degree burn

What to put on a deep burn?

Sterile saline, a sterile saline soaked bandage, or a dry sterile bandage. Not recommended for home treatment, but if you must, generous amounts of antibiotic ointment after the wound has been carefully cleaned.