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No because you chose what you do. No one has to follow in their parents footsteps as smokers.

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Q: Do young people have a greater risk of becoming smokers if their parents smoke?
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Related questions

Why are some people chain smokers?

Some people are chain smokers because they are addicted to nicotine.

What kind of friends do people who smoke have?

To some extent smokers will tend to socialize with other smokers, but the social segregation of smokers from non-smokers is not that strict; in reality, smokers can have the same range of friends that non-smokers have.

What is the population of smokers in the UK?

Around 10 million people in the UK are smokers according to sources in 2007

What is active and passive smoking?

Active smoking is when you smoke your self. Passive smoking is that you are not a smoker, but you inhale the smoke in a closed room, office pubs and other places from the smoke from other smokers

What are the differences between smokers and non smokers lungs?

We are all people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----Smokers and non-smokers are very similar, besides the lungs, how powerful the heart is, and part of the brain, other than that, mostly the same.----

What does passive smokers mean?

Mostly garbage - it refers to non-smokers who breath the exhaled air of smokers. It may be detrimental to some people, but how much is highly variable.

Most people suffering from chronic bronchitis are heavy smokers?


Can non-smokers people also contract respiratory disease?


How many smokers develop a disease?

14 people left their homes

Why is the smokers population increasing?

because people now sell siggerts with apple taste or orange taste etc, so the smokers will be going for it more and more.

Why sould people stop smoking?

It leads to numerous terminal diseases, It is very expensive, not only to the smoker but also to society who have pay the costs for the diseases caused. It is fast becoming to be held as a social evil with smokers treated like Pariahs, standing in little groups in alleys for a smoke. Some smokers will live to be ninety no doubt, but what was the point in running through an uncharted minefield anyway.

One in five smokers becomes addicted to tobacco?

No Most everyone who smokes becomes addicted. One in Five people become smokers. Maybe that's what you were thinking.