

Do your pet goldfish eat their babies?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes. If your goldfish lay eggs, and some hatch, have a spare tank and carefully put their young in there so it wouldn't be eaten. But make sure the water is in room temperature.

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Q: Do your pet goldfish eat their babies?
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not if it is your pet. you have to go to the oet store for certain pet food for goldfish

Do goldfish eat their babies?

Yes, goldfish eat their young. This is why they lay so many eggs- most of the fry won't reach adulthood because other goldfish/fish will eat them. In pond Goldfish reproduction it is the ultimate case of "Survival of the Fittest".it depends on the situation. They will if they are starving.

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Goldfish flakes. You can find them at most pet stores.

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In nature there are many kinds of tiny macropods, microscopic algaes and other things in the water when goldfish breed in spring under normal/wild conditions. These 'baby goldfish foods' can be purchased at most good pet shops

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I really would not put the tadpoles in with the goldfish...the goldfish will most likely eat them all. It depends on the goldfish size, but eventually they will try to eat the tadpoles whether they suceed or not. :/

Do goldfish moms eat there babies?

yes they do, they dont have previous parenting knowledge

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goldfish flakes from pet stores near you:) hope that helped ... thats what i feed mine:) <3

What does goldfish?

Goldfish will eat anything that is edible to them but feed them fish food, such as flakes and pellets. You can find them at your local pet shop, just ask them for it.

Can your pet goldfish eat a carrot?

No. Goldfish are not Vegetarian Mammals like Rabbits or Horses. They are fish. Carrot would not be of any benfit to a Goldfish because they would be unable to digest it.

Will the mother goldfish eat the fry?

Yes the mother goldfish will eat the fry-and so will the father, that's why it is a good idea to move the parents into a sepperate tank after they have bred if you want the babies to live.

Can you have and mate and breed 2 goldfish in a 2.65 gallon tank?

Not happily or healthily. Those goldfish need at least 30 gallons of space to live happily and have a long life. If you do successfully breed your fish, remember to remove the babies ASAP. Goldfish like to eat their babies.

Can the eggs of the goldfish survive without the mom?

Goldfish do not look after their eggs or babies. They will eat their eggs if they can find them so the breeders should be removed once spawning has finished.