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Most probably not much. Embryo wont be visible this early. Sac may be visible. All they can confirm probably is that you are pregnant and embryo is implanted at right place ie the uterus.

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Q: Doc is sending you for an Ultrasound at 4.5 weeks will they see anything?
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How early will the amniotic sac show up on an ultrasound?

My doc just told me usually 8 weeks

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No 6 weeks is very early for a scan which is most likely why he would like to see you again in a weeks time.

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If your dates are off by only a few days it may be a bit early to see anything more than a sac. I hope your doctor has ordered another ultrasound in a few days to check if the embryo is growing.

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Maybe it would be wise to get a second opinion from a different doctor. Maybe the new doctor will be more helpful.

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Was that a pun? To soon to tail? Just got back from my 16 week ultrasound. Doc says she is positive the baby is a girl because she saw an equal sign.

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hello i am doc. campbell the answer to your quertion is about eight weeks

Is a fetal heartbeat of 144bpm good for 9weeks 3 days gestation?

Yes, via ultrasound you can also hear the heartbeat around 9 weeks with a 2-3 mhz fetal doppler, while most doc's don't bother trying until 10+ I know many many people who have had no issues with finding them around 8.5 weeks. I personally have found my children around 8 weeks 5 days (3 of them) with the 2 mhz hi bebe fetal doppler. a pillow under the hips and full bladder help a lot.