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No; take a look at your thyroid testing results to talk about thyroid problems, not your CBC.

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Q: Does 32.6 mch in blood levels mean thyroid problems?
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What does the medical abbreviation TSH mean?

Most often in medical use, it stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, also known as Thyrotropin. TSH is secreted by the pituitary gland and regulates the thyroid gland function. Laboratory testing for the blood levels of TSH is often done to check for abnormal thyroid function such as hypothyroidism (lowered thyroid function) and hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid function) and may also be checked when testing female infertility problems, among other things. Most often in medical use, it stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, also known as Thyrotropin. TSH is secreted by the pituitary gland and regulates the thyroid gland function. Laboratory testing for the blood levels of TSH is often done to check for abnormal thyroid function such as hypothyroidism (lowered thyroid function) and hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid function) and may also be checked when testing female infertility problems, among other things.

What does it mean if your free T4 is low?

Insufficient levels (low levels) of circulating thyroid hormones is the biochemical hallmark of an under-active thyroid, a condition referred to as hypothyroidism.

What does TFT mean in blood test?

Thyroid function test

What tft mean in blood test?

Thyroid function test

What does elevation in thyroid hormone mean?

For some reason a person with higher than normal thyroid hormone levels may have an autoimmune disease called Grave's Disease, an inflammation of the thyroid gland, or has over used thyroid medication.

What does 8690291 euthyroid levels mean?

Nothing. Thyroid levels are reported in terms of TSH, free T4 and total T4 level values.

What would high protein levels in cats blood work mean?

"High protein levels" is very vague - this could mean a variety of things depending upon which proteins are elevated. Your cat may be having kidney problems, liver problems or be dehydrated, among other options.

After having a thyroid scan with uptake places of inactivity are detected what does this mean?

Any thyroid issues can be found out through a blood test too.

What does high thyroid count mean?

TSH means thyroid stimulating hormone. The thyroid is responsible for controlling energy consumption, body temperature, weight, and heart rate; as well as your overall body metabolism. Your thyroid is dependent on your pituitary gland; another part of your endocrine system that is located at the back of the brain. Your pituitary gland produces the actual thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and regulates your TSH level; and it is the TSH levels produced by the pituitary gland that tells the thyroid to go to work. You may have an issue with the pituitary gland. Higher TSH levels than normal suggests a thyroid that is under-active and not doing its job of producing thyroid hormone.

What does BSL mean on a blood test request mean?

Fasting blood sugar levels