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ADD itself does not directly cause short temper or irritability. However, individuals with ADD may experience challenges with impulse control, focus, and managing emotions, which can contribute to feelings of frustration and can sometimes manifest as short temper. It is important for individuals with ADD to work with healthcare professionals to develop coping strategies and tools to manage these symptoms effectively.

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What is the comparative and superlative degree of sad?

Sad is a short adjective so you just add -er to make the comparative form = sadder You add -est to make the superlative form = saddest

What effects of brain injury on short term memory?

Brain injury can impair short-term memory by damaging the structures involved in storing and processing new information. This can cause difficulties in remembering recent events, new learning, and focusing on tasks. The severity of the memory impairment depends on the location and extent of the brain injury.

Can you have a short attention span without having ADHD?

Yes, it is possible to have a short attention span without having ADHD. Short attention spans can be influenced by various factors such as stress, fatigue, boredom, or lack of interest in the task at hand. ADHD involves more persistent and severe symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that significantly impact daily functioning.

What topic is too broad for a cause-and-effect essay?

A topic like "climate change" may be too broad for a cause-and-effect essay because it encompasses a wide range of factors and consequences that would be challenging to cover comprehensively in a short essay. Breaking it down into more specific aspects, such as the impact of deforestation on climate change, would make for a more focused and manageable essay.

Can a 6 year old have Short-term memory?

Yes, a 6-year-old can have short-term memory. Short-term memory refers to the ability to hold and recall information for a short period of time, which is a cognitive skill that develops as children grow. It is normal for 6-year-olds to have varying levels of short-term memory capacity.

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What is the diffence of a long term cause and a short term cause?

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