

Does A proton has about the same mass as a nucleus?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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No. A proton is part of the nucleus.

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Q: Does A proton has about the same mass as a nucleus?
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Why does a proton inside a nucleus have less mass that the same proton outside the same nucleus?

because it binds with a nuetron that is equal to its mass

What has the same mass of a proton?

Neutrons have the same mass as that of a proton. Neutrons and protons are present in the nucleus

What is the mass of an atomic nucleus?

The hydrogen-1 nucleus is the same as the mass of a proton - since it is a proton. The proton's mass is 1.67×10−27 kg. Other nuclei have several times this mass - up to about 250 times the mass of a hydrogen nucleus.

What is the particle with about same mass as the proton found in the nucleus?


What particle has about the same mass as the proton found in the nucleus?

The neutron.

Which particle has a mass that is approximately the same as the mass of a proton?

the neutral or no charge particle of an atom:it is located in the nucleus;has the same mass as the proton.

What is a neutral particle in the nucleus of atom with the same mass as a proton?


What is the particle found in the nucleus that has no charge?

The neutron. It's mass is about the same as the proton.

Is the masss of an atom concentrated in the proton?

The mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus. Protons are a part of the nucleus, but not the entire thing. Neutrons are also in the nucleus and have nearly the same mass as protons.

What particle has about the same mass as proton but has no charge?

A neutron. It is one of the particles in the nucleus and has no charge

What one of a nucleus proton and neutron have the least amount of mass?

A proton has slightly less mass than a neutron.

Are electrons the same as protons or neutrons?

Proton: positive charged particle, contained in atomic nucleus, mass=approx. 1 u Neutron: neutral particle, contained in atomic nucleus, mass=approx. 1 u Electron: negative charged particle, component of an atom (but not contained in nucleus), mass=approx. 1/1836 from the mass of a proton.