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The neutron. It's mass is about the same as the proton.

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Q: What is the particle found in the nucleus that has no charge?
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What particle has no charge and is found in the nucleus of an atom?

The nuclear particle that has no charge is the neutron.

What is the particle found in the nucleus of an atom that does not have a charge?

a neutron has no charge in think

A subatomic particle that has no charge and is found in the nucleus is an?


What particle found in the nucleus of an atom that has a neutral charge?

In the nucleus: Neutrons have a neutral charge and Protons have a positive charge

What subatomic particle that has no charge is found in the nucleus of an atom?

The neutron is the subatomic particle that has no charge and is found in the nucleus of an atom. Neutrons play a key role in determining the stability and properties of an atomic nucleus.

What is the particle without a charge found inside the nucleus?

The neutron

What is an atomic particle found in the nucleus with a neutral charge?


What is an atomic particle found in the center of an atom that it has no charge?

The nucleus.

Which subatomic particle has no charge?

A neutron is the subatomic particle that has no charge. It is found within the nucleus of atoms and contributes to the stability of the nucleus by balancing the positive charge of protons.

What particle of an atom is not electrically charge?

The neutron - found in the nucleus of the atom. Protons (in the nucleus) have a positive charge, electrons (orbiting the nucleus) have a negative charge.

What is a particle that has no electric charge and is found in the nucleus of an atom?

That refers to the neutron.

What is a neutral subatomic particle?

A neutral subatomic particle is a particle that has no electric charge, such as a neutron. Neutrons are found in the nucleus of atoms and play a crucial role in stabilizing the nucleus due to their neutral charge.