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In the US, under the Animal Welfare Act and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, any procedure can be performed on an animal if it can be argued that it is scientifically justified.

Research facilities are obliged to consider alternatives, ensure the experiments are not unnecessarily repetitive and that adequate pain relief is given (if it will not interfere with the study).

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9y ago

Marker America does animal testing for purposes of research. Different aspects of varied animal are tested through various stages. .

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Q: Does America allow animal testing
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To allow for medical progress in order to benefit human nature. It may be evil, but a necessary evil

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Is there animal testing in Australia?

Yes, animal testing is around the whole world !

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No. There is no legal requirement for animal testing.

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well if the testing is from animal haters the animal will die but if they are good it will live......

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if you believe in animal have no morals,,,i no this because i just wrote a 5 page paper on animal testing and its horrid

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Animal testing sould be illegal because it is harming the animal.

Is testing on animal cells considered animal testing?

It is a slightly grey area, but generally no.