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No, however the US Military for decades has protected Japan from China, North Korea & the Soviet Union (now Russia). The US taxpayer has funded this.

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Q: Does America owe Japan an apology for using the atomic bomb?
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What was the outcome of using the atomic on Japan?

japan surrendered

Why did they stop using atomic bombs?

If you are referring to WW2, then the US stopped using atomic bombs on Japan because Japan agreed to surrender. Had they not, the US had plans and production setup to drop a total of 23 atomic bombs on Japan in 1945.

Have US ever officially excuse to japan after using nuclear bomb on them?

if you mean apology, why would one be needed it was war.

What reasons did the united states give for using the atomic bomb on japan?

Japan bombed Hawaii. (pearl harbor)

What was Truman goal in using the atomic bomb against Japan?

End WW2, ASAP.

How was the atomic bomb dropped on japan?

By B-29 Superfortresses using Norden Bombsight.

What policy was the US using before dropping the atomic bomb?

A written warning to Japan with options.

How much money did America save by dropping the atomic bomb on japan instead of going into battle?

Answer One reason for using the atomic bomb was to shorten the war and save the lives of American and also Japanese soldiers who would die in the invasion. How do you put a price tag on lives???????????

Did America using the A-bomb cause Germans to lose morale?

No, not the Germans. The Germans were already defeated (May 1945) when the US dropped the first Atomic Bomb on Japan in August 1945. The Japanese moral was affected by the two Atomic Bombs used against them. This caused them to surrender.

What were the risks the US faced by using the atomic bomb on Japan?

The main issue was for them to detonate in US soil.

Why were atomic bombs used in Japan?

To end the war ASAP!

What is a sentence using the word apology?

"The boy said an apology to his sister for breaking her favorite alarm clock."