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American English and British English share about 95-98% lexical similarity, making them the same language (much to the disappointment of some British people).

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Q: Does American and British language the same?
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It is translation within the same language, for example translating something from British English to American English.

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The principle is the same in both languages but ASL (American Sign Language) has vastly differing signs for words and phrases to BSL (British Sign Language)

What is intralanguage translation?

It is translation within the same language, for example translating something from British English to American English.

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The official language of New Zealand is English (although Maori is referred to as the indigenous language). Goodbye in New Zealand is the same as British or American English.

How different is British sign language from American sign language?

British Sign Language (BSL) and American Sign Language (ASL) are distinct languages with different signs, grammar, and syntax. While they share some similarities due to historical connections, they are not mutually intelligible. It is similar to spoken English and spoken Spanish – while they are related languages, they are not the same.

Is sign language universally the same or individually different as is spoken language?

Sign languages are as individually different as spoken languages, and, as an interesting side note, sign languages for dialects of the same spoken language may not be related. British Sign Language and American Sign Language are in no way mutually intelligible.

What central American country's official language English?

The Central American country with an official language of English is Belize. Belize was a British territory and before independence was called British Honduras.

How do you say 'I love you' in British?

British English and North American English use the same phrase: "I love you."