

Does Andrew Clements like writing when he was litile?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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As he puts it on his website, "I didn't think about being a writer at all back then, but I did love to read."

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Q: Does Andrew Clements like writing when he was litile?
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How is Mark Twain related to Andrew clements?

Mark Twain and Andrew Clements are both American authors, but they are not related. Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel Clemens, was a renowned writer known for classics like "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Andrew Clements is a contemporary author known for popular children's books like "Frindle" and "The School Story."

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He wrote bestselling books like Frindle, The School Story, and The Landry News.

What are all the similes in the school story by Andrew Clements?

In "The School Story" by Andrew Clements, some similes include "like a ninja sneaking through the shadows" and "like a detective hot on the trail." These comparisons help to enhance the imagery and make the story more engaging for the reader.

Do you like the books Andrew clements writes?

R u kidding, his books are awesome! I've read practically all of them.

What inspired Andrew clements too write room one a mystery or two?

Andrew Clements was inspired by his classmates when he was teaching. He had a student who loved mysteries and had ideas. Also, his class wasn't a very big class, so that gave him another idea on writing a book about a small class. Like Ted, Andrew was a great student and loved to read. He acted as he was the main character but added a different name. Ted was like Andrew in many ways. Andrew also likes mysteries, but he focuses on children books. He likes children books because he knows a lot of children love to read books just as he did.

What are 2 similes and page numbers in the Book things not seen by andrew clements and page numbers?

A simile in "Things Not Seen" by Andrew Clements is on page 14: "The sound surged and poured like water into the room." Another simile is on page 35: "His laughter was like fireworks going off." Please note that the page numbers may vary depending on the edition or format of the book.

Where does Andrew Clements get his ideas?

In an interview, Andrew Clements said the following about where he gets his ideas:"Most of my ideas grow out of my own experience. I've got a good big pile of memories that I dig through when I'm looking for something new to write about. And I'll find a moment, or a conversation, or an event, or a person, and I'll begin writing and see where it leads to. For example, a lot of people have thought that I must have started to write The Report Card about tests and grades. But I didn't. I began that story by thinking about the one or two really, really, really smart kids - try genius kids - that I knew when I was a teacher for seven years. And I thought it would be interesting to tell a story from the point of view of a person like that. And when I began telling that story, after about four months of writing, the character ran into the question of tests and grades. So a book changes as I write it, but most of the ideas come from my own experiences."

Why do they call a bed a bed?

This is a good question, I would recommend you read the book "Frindle" by Andrew Clements. It is the story of a young boy who asks himself "Why is a pen called a pen? Why can't it be called a 'frindle'?" Just a quick note, the word "bed" looks like a bed.

When will Andrew propose?

when andrew feels like it O.O